Body Check (EN)

    [group VitaminsSufficientGroup]a[/group]
    [group VitaminsInsufficientGroup]b[/group]
    [group MagnesiumSufficientGroup]c[/group]
    [group MagnesiumInsufficientGroup]d[/group]
    [group DisabilityWarningGroup]e[/group]

    [group AbnehmenGroup]f[/group]
    [group FitUndVitalGroup]g[/group]
    [group MuskelnAufbauenGroup]h[/group]


     What are your goals?

      Personal Information


     Sport and Lifestyle

     How often do you exercise per week?

     Are you a smoker?

     How often do you drink alcohol?

     How long do you usually sleep?

     How often do you feel fatigued?

     How would you describe your physical condition?


     Are you vegetarian or vergan?

     Do you often go on a diet?

     How often do you eat carbohydrates (e.g. rice, noodles, bread, etc.)?

     How many portions of vegetables do you eat per day?

     How many portions of fruit do you eat per day?

     How often do you eat meat per week?

     How often do you eat fish/shellfish per week?

     How often do you eat dairy products (e.g. cheese, milk, yogurt)?

     How do you eat sweets and/or sugary drinks (e.g. cola, sweetend fruit juice)?

     Physical issues/limitations

    Do you have any of the following illnesses/intolerances?

     Your results

     You will receive the results of your personal body check by email, including:

    •  your BMI
    •  nutrition recommendations
    •  exercise recommendations